%0 Journal Article %T Cianoacrilato: Definici¨®n y propiedades. Toxicidad y efectos secundarios. Aplicaciones en medicina y odontolog¨ªa %A Gonz¨¢lez Gonz¨¢lez %A J.M. %J Avances en Odontoestomatolog¨ªa %D 2012 %I Ediciones Avances M¨¦dico Dentales, S.L. %R 10.4321/S0213-12852012000200006 %X introduction: cyanoacrylate is a colorless liquid with adhesive properties. it is commonly used in diy work. in medicine and dentistry, it has been widely used as a skin suture. material and methods: a literature review was made of cyanoacrylate and its use in medicine and dentistry. results: in different tables are commercial products containing cyanoacrylate, general utilities, requirements for medical use, medical and dental applications, and its harmful effects. discussion: the short-chain cyanoacrylates (ethyl and methylcyanoacrylate) are not suitable for medical use, because they degrade quickly giving toxic products. however long chain used (octyl and butylcyanoacrylate) to offer less toxicity. it is recommended for surface areas and tension free. %K cyanoacrylate %K definition %K properties %K toxicity %K side effects %K applications %K medicine %K dentistry. %U http://scielo.isciii.es/scielo.php?script=sci_abstract&pid=S0213-12852012000200006&lng=en&nrm=iso&tlng=en