%0 Journal Article %T Un proceso de rebeli¨®n ind¨ªgena: los mocov¨ªes de San Javier en 1904 %A Greca %A Ver¨®nica %J Av£¿£¿ %D 2009 %I Scientific Electronic Library Online %X in this article we reconstruct the rebellion of the mocovi people from san javier in 1904, which was conceived at that time as an invasion of a group of savages, whose intentions were only to loot and destruct the town. on the contrary, we consider that this was not an isolated confrontation, but part of the context of conflicts between aboriginal people and the national state during its consolidation period. we understand the concept of "rebellion" as a process that articulates political, economical, social and religious aspects, in a way that allow us to think of this protest as a resistance against the impositions of the state and also as a millenarist movement. we will analyse this rebellion based on the information available on the contemporary press, where we identified diverse interpretations of the aboriginal conflicts within different sectors of the wider society. %K indigenous rebel %K millenarist movement %K process of conflict %K consolidation of the national state. %U http://www.scielo.org.ar/scielo.php?script=sci_abstract&pid=S1851-16942009000200018&lng=en&nrm=iso&tlng=en