%0 Journal Article %T Caracterizaci¨®n del fruto y semilla de frutopan (Artocarpus camansi blanco) %A Nu£¿ez %A Juan %A Ortiz de Bertorelli %A Ligia %A Graziani de Fari£¿as %A Luc¨ªa %A Ram¨ªrez %A Alejandra %A Trujillo %A Am¨¦rica %J Bioagro %D 2011 %I Decanato de Agronom¨ªa de la Universidad Centroccidental %X the physical characterization of the fruit and physical and chemical of the seeds of frutopan (artocarpus camansi blanco) coming from localities of cata, ocumare of the coast and cumboto, aragua state, venezuela, were assessed by evaluating the dimensions, color and chemical composition. results revealed variability of physical characteristics of seeds and fruits among localities. cata and cumboto presented heavier fruits, with larger diameter and number of seeds. seeds from cata were also heavier, wider and thicker, representing 51.7 % of fruit weight. in parameters of color, only al values of fruit display significant differences (p¡Ü 0.05). fruits showed an intermediate luminosity and trends to green and yellow, while seeds were dark, which tended to red and yellow. in chemical analysis of seeds, there were not significant differences in ph, acidity, fiber, and total reducing sugars. in contrast moisture, protein, ash and fat showed differences (p¡Ü 0.05), highlighting the fruits of cumboto to show higher contents of protein and ash, while fruits of cata were found in the lowest levels of protein and fat. the results showed variability in characteristics of fruits and seeds coming from the three localities, and suggest the potential of the seed of frutopan for diversification and utilization as raw material in food processing to handcrafted and industrial level. %K artocarpus camansi %K physical properties %K chemical composition. %U http://www.scielo.org.ve/scielo.php?script=sci_abstract&pid=S1316-33612011000100007&lng=en&nrm=iso&tlng=en