%0 Journal Article %T Propagaci¨®n y crecimiento de Guadua amplexifolia Presl., G. angustifolia kunth y Elytrostachys typica Mc Clure, en tres tipos de sustratos %A M¨¢rquez de Hern¨¢ndez %A Liliana %A Mar¨ªn Ch %A Douglas %J Bioagro %D 2011 %I Decanato de Agronom¨ªa de la Universidad Centroccidental %X propagation of guadua amplexifolia, g. angustifolia (guaduas) and elytrostachys typica (puru-puru), planted in three different substrates was studied by means of basal sprouts, under shed conditions, in maracay, venezuela. substrates were prepared by combinations of the surface layer of a maracay series soil, with sand river (s1, control), or earthworms humus (s2), or coffee parchment (s3). propagation was more successful in the two species of guadua (75 %) in relation to e. typica (40 %). sprouting dynamic until eighth week from plantation date, showed different patterns between guadua species; in g. amplexifolia no difference was found in the increase of sprouts between s1 and s2, but both treatments were different in relation to s3. g. angustifolia showed more length growth in s2, but only at the eighth week from plantation differences were found with s1. total dry matter accumulation was higher in g. amplexifolia than in g. angustifolia in all substrates. %K total dry matter accumulation %K leaf area %K specific leaf area. %U http://www.scielo.org.ve/scielo.php?script=sci_abstract&pid=S1316-33612011000300006&lng=en&nrm=iso&tlng=en