%0 Journal Article %T Demandas territoriales del pueblo Mapuche en ¨¢rea Parques Nacionales %A Valverde %A Sebasti¨¢n %J Av£¿£¿ %D 2010 %I Scientific Electronic Library Online %X the "nahuel huapi national park" was created in 1934, in the mountain range of north patagonia. this brought important consequences for the "chileans" and "indigenous" because it gave rise to migration and eviction of the rural areas of these populations. the collective imaginary of the conservative elite of the 30's, consolidated the imprint of this area and its urban centres of reference, such as: "san carlos de bariloche" and "villa la angostura" as a supposedly "natural", "virgin" area, with "alpine" reminiscence. this symbolic construction strengthened the eviction process. since 2006, several groups of mapuche families have begun a process of identity and territorial reaffirmation in their ancestral ranges in the national parks area. it is our goal to analyze the dynamics that have given rise to these processes by assigning centrality to the various state policies. %K territorial conflicts %K ethnicity %K mapuche communities %K national parks. %U http://www.scielo.org.ar/scielo.php?script=sci_abstract&pid=S1851-16942010000200002&lng=en&nrm=iso&tlng=en