%0 Journal Article %T Estudo anal¨ªtico s£¿bre Nephrops rubellus Moreira (Crust¨¢ceo - Decapodo - Macruro) %A Ramos %A F. de P. Andrade %J Boletim do Instituto Paulista de Oceanografia %D 1950 %I Scientific Electronic Library Online %R 10.1590/S0100-42391950000200007 %X the finality of this work is to register the occurrence of a crustacean denominated "lagostim" - nephrops rubellus moreira - found in waters of the neighbourhood of xavier island, off the coast of the state of santa catarina (brazil). this specimen was captured in a "trawl" net by the fishing boat "libertador" in depth of 30 to 60 fathoms (66-132 m), in the middle of june 1950. the species which was described in 1903 by carlos moreira, does not seem to be of a very common one at the braz lian coast, its cxistance having been, however, recorded from the argentine coast, by doello jurado, in 1938. the present v/ork seems te be justified since it deals with a crustacean never mentioned, in our specialised literature since its description half a century ago and also by being the characters of this specimen not exactly the same as the previously deseribed. a key has been worked out for the genus nephrops, for the determination of the atlantic and indo-pacifc species, the key organized by de man was adopted as a starting-point. %U http://www.scielo.br/scielo.php?script=sci_abstract&pid=S0100-42391950000200007&lng=en&nrm=iso&tlng=en