%0 Journal Article %T Atividade alimentar di¨˘ria da cabrinha Prionotus punctatus (Teleostei: Triglidae) do litoral de Ubatuba, Brasil %A Soares %A Lucy Satiko Hashimoto %A Apelbaum %A Ronald %J Boletim do Instituto Oceanogr¨˘fico %D 1994 %I Scientific Electronic Library Online %R 10.1590/S0373-55241994000100007 %X the feeding habits and the diel feeding periodicity of the searobin prionotus punctatus were investigated at ubatuba region (22o30's) in the western south atlantic. the samples were collected during consecutive 3 h periods over 24 h in january, 1987 and july and december, 1988. the diel feeding activity analysis indicated that prionotus punctatus was a daytime feeder with afternoon tendency, permitting to bring up the hypothesis of the orcadian rythm. the main food items were portunidae crabs in summer, and portunidae and penaeidae shrimps in winter. the diet composition was very similar during the feeding activity time in winter (july 1988), whereas it showed some variation in summer (january 1987 and december 1988). %K marine fish %K triglidae %K prionotus punctatus %K diel feeding %K stomach contents %K brazilian southeastern coast. %U http://www.scielo.br/scielo.php?script=sci_abstract&pid=S0373-55241994000100007&lng=en&nrm=iso&tlng=en