%0 Journal Article %T La sem¨¢ntica inversa en el habla informal de maracaibo: Un estudio socioling¨¹istico %A Arrieta de Meza %A Beatriz %A Meza Cepeda %A Rafael Daniel %A Batista Ojeda %A Judith %J Boletin de Linguistica %D 2008 %I Scientific Electronic Library Online %X researchers in sociolinguistics have insisted on analyzing the close relationship between language and identity. evidence for this relationship can be found in the features a specific linguistic community uses in its dialectal variety. this article focuses on one of the characteristics of maracaibo speech, a feature we call inverse semantics, defined as the property of giving certain utterances an opposite meaning to the one expressed literally. a sample of fifteen phrases evidencing the use of inverse semantics was collected from the spontaneous speech produced by members of the communities of el saladillo and el empedrao. the pragmatic-semantic analysis of the linguistic realizations displaying inverse semantics suggests that speakers£¿ intentions underlying these utterances involve a great emotional load, where courtesy and irony are combined. %K maracaibo dialectal variety %K inverse semantics %K pragmatics. %U http://www.scielo.org.ve/scielo.php?script=sci_abstract&pid=S0798-97092008000100002&lng=en&nrm=iso&tlng=en