%0 Journal Article %T EVIDENCIA PALEOS¨ªSMICA EN EL SEGMENTO DE FALLA SOPETR¨¢N O SAN JER¨®NIMO SEGMENTO 5 %A Lalinde %A Claudia %A Gonz¨¢lez %A Adriana %A Caballero %A Humberto %J Boletin de Geolog¨ªa %D 2009 %I Scientific Electronic Library Online %X ¨¢rea metropolitana did a seismic hazard study of barbosa, girardota, copacabana, sabaneta, la estrella, caldas y envigado towns adicional to studies did in years 1999 and 2002. solingral, integral, inteinsa, universidad nacional y universidad eafit pool did the study for ¨¢rea metropolitana. this work present the paleoseismic evidence found in the road "conexi¨®n vial aburr¨¢ cauca" in the south side of the pike site in the west side of the tunnel. this evidence is associated with the sopetr¨¢n fault or segment 5 san jer¨®nimo fault, wich has 25km lengh. the paleoseismic interpretation identify two seismic events in the last 10.000 years. the oldest is an event of mw 6.4 magnitude that displaced the last volcanic ash layer between 10.000 and 5.000 years considering that the last volcanic ash layer fallow 10.000 year ago, they appear reworking, it is width and is covered by paleosoil. the most recent event is an event of mw 6.7 magnitude and displaced the paleosoil which was dated by 1830¡À40bp c14 so the last event occur in the last 1800 years. %K sopetr¨¢n fault %K san jer¨®nimo fault %K paleoseismicity %K seismic hazard %K neotectonics. %U http://www.scielo.org.co/scielo.php?script=sci_abstract&pid=S0120-02832009000200002&lng=en&nrm=iso&tlng=en