%0 Journal Article %T Los elementos de final de serie enumerativa del tipo y todo eso, o cosas as¨ª, y tal, etc. perspectiva interactiva %A Rodr¨ªguez %A Luis Cort¨¦s %J Boletin de Linguistica %D 2006 %I Scientific Electronic Library Online %X the study of enumerative listing sequences in spanish spoken discourse allows us to observe that a relevant number of these sequences end with a closing marker of the type y todo eso ('and all that'), cosas as¨ª ('things like that'), and y tal ('and so on'), among others. this paper, after addressing in some detail the concept of enumerative series, analyzes the different interactional functions of these closing markers, considering hearer-centered functions (i.e. hints of shortcuts, complicity with the interlocutor, facilitation of the answer) as well as functions based on the conversational topic (i.e. reinforcing or mitigating information: doubt and uncertainty, subjectivity or objectivity of the information, rejection and indifference). %K enumerative listing %K discourse markers %K spoken spanish. %U http://www.scielo.org.ve/scielo.php?script=sci_abstract&pid=S0798-97092006000200004&lng=en&nrm=iso&tlng=en