%0 Journal Article %T FORAMIN¨ªFEROS EN LOS SEDIMENTOS SUPERFICIALES DEL SISTEMA LAGUNAR DE CISPAT¨¢ Y LA INTERACCI¨®N R¨ªO SIN¨²-MAR CARIBE COLOMBIANO %A Bernal %A Gladys %A Ruiz Ochoa %A Mauricio A %A Piedrahita %A Mar¨ªa Teresa %A Restrepo %A Evanaam %J Bolet¨ªn de Ciencias de la Tierra %D 2008 %I Universidad Nacional de Colombia %X cispat¨¢ lagoon system is an important mangrove swamp in the colombian caribbean. it was formed during the evolution of the sin¨² river delta and is affected by the present changes that occur in the river and the sea level. a study of the benthic foraminifera in the superficial sediments as bioindicators of the fluvialmarine interaction was performed. the abundance and species assemblages of epifauna foraminifera were established. 82 species were identified. the most abundant species were trochammina inflata, arenoparrella mexicana, trochammina squamata and haplophragmoides canariensis. agglutinated foraminifera dominated in the sectors where the river influence is greater, or at the cispat¨¢ bay, where channel discharge is present, while calcareous foraminifera were found in areas of marine influence. the multivariate analysis of foraminifera shows a distribution explained by their response to salinity and organic matter content in sediments. t. inflata, the most abundant and well distributed specie, is proposed as an indicator for mangrove swamp environments. other species were restricted to a unique water body and cyclammina trullissata seems to be adapted to shrimp farming. %K mangrove %K foraminifera %K colombian caribbean %K cispat¨¢ %K luvialmarine interaction. %U http://www.scielo.org.co/scielo.php?script=sci_abstract&pid=S0120-36302008000200002&lng=en&nrm=iso&tlng=en