%0 Journal Article %T LABORATORIO DE PREPARACI¨®N DE MUESTRAS PARA FOTOLUMINISCENCIA DE LA UNIVERSIDAD EAFIT, MEDELL¨ªN %A GARC¨ªA LONDO£¿O %A CAROLINA %A HERMELIN ARBAUX %A MICHEL %A SIERRA %A GLORIA MAR¨ªA %J Bolet¨ªn de Ciencias de la Tierra %D 2008 %I Universidad Nacional de Colombia %X in 2005 began, in eafit university, medellin, the construction of the laboratory for preparation of luminescence samples (optically stimulated luminescence osl), first in its kind in the whole country, dedicated to contribute for the development of new dating quaternary techniques. its construction is part of the project £¿chronology and correlation of geoforms and superficial formations of two highlands, central mountain range£¿ financed by colciencias, code 12160516867, contract no. rc 2102004, developed by group of environmental geology and seismic engineering, eafit university. the dating method of osl allows dating the last moment of exposition to the light and has, under optimal conditions, an application range from 6 to 800 000 years. due to the method£¿scharacteristics, the material to be dated cannot be exposed to the light from sample extraction, its preparation, until the measurement of luminescent sign. the laboratory for preparation of luminescence samples presents special features including controlled illumination, extraction gas chamber, electric doors, all this in a sterile environment to ensure the samples are not contaminated. in the laboratory for preparation of luminescence samples were generated the first prepared samples from llano de ovejas and san nicolas valley. these samples present high clay content and low quartz density, being the last one the basic material for this dating method;therefore it was necessary to adapt the existent protocols to the new conditions. after be treated in the laboratory for preparation of luminescence samples, the quartz fractions were delivered to the arqueometry and geocronology laboratory (age laboratory) in mcmaster university, canada were the dating process was carried out. %K fotoluminiscence %K dating methods %K quaternary %K superficial formations. %U http://www.scielo.org.co/scielo.php?script=sci_abstract&pid=S0120-36302008000300004&lng=en&nrm=iso&tlng=en