%0 Journal Article %T CARACTERIZACI¨®N ECOL¨®GICA Y FITOQU¨ªMICA DE LA BATATILLA IPOMOEA PURPUREA L. ROTH (SOLANALES, CONVOLVULACEAE) EN EL MUNICIPIO DE MANIZALES %A Arias Ortiz %A H¨¦ctor Mauricio %A L¨®pez Bedoya %A Albeiro %A Bernal Vera %A Mar¨ªa Elena %A Casta£¿o Ram¨ªrez %A Elmer %J Bolet¨ªn Cient¨ªfico. Centro de Museos. Museo de Historia Natural %D 2011 %I Scientific Electronic Library Online %X with the purpose of carrying out an ecological characterization (associated insects and accompanying flora), a phytochemical evaluation (substances present in seeds) and preliminary testing of biocidal effect,of tall morning glory (ipomoea purpurea) seeds extract, two agroecosystems (el tablazo and agua bonita districts) located in the municipality of manizales were selected. wild areas of ipomoea purpurea were established and observation plots of land with plants obtained from a seed germinator were established to characterize, through their lifecycle, their interaction with the coffee-growing ecosystem. seed bromatological analyses were carried out to identify their phytochemical compounds. extractions of the alkaloids was performed in a controlled manner in the lab, and their preliminary agricultural use was proved on cosmopolites sordidus germar (black weevils in plantain), an agronomic interest insect it was determined that the most representative accompanying weeds near ipomoea purpurea are dicotyledonous plants belonging to the asteraceae family. the most representative associated insects were hemiptera and coleopterae, being highlighted thripidae staphylinidae, acrididae, chrysomelidae, cicadellidae and noctuidae families. the high contents of heavy metals, iron, zinc, manganese and copper left by the bromatological analisys suggest a soil detoxification by accumulation of those compounds in ipomoea purpurea l. roth seeds. the effectiveness of the extract and the behaviour changes on the plague (black weevils in plantain) defined the biocidal utility of substances contained in the ipomoea purpurea seeds, a plant which is considered aggressive with few reported utilities. %K accompanying ipomoea purpurea weeds %K associated ipomoea purpurea insects %K ipomoea purpurea phytochemistry. %U http://www.scielo.org.co/scielo.php?script=sci_abstract&pid=S0123-30682011000200002&lng=en&nrm=iso&tlng=en