%0 Journal Article %T INFERENCIAS ACERCA DE LA ESTRUCTURA S¨ªSMICA DE LA LITOSFERA SUPERIOR BAJO EL VALLE DE ABURR¨¢ USANDO REGISTROS DE REDES ACELEROGR¨¢FICAS %A MONSALVE MEJ¨ªA %A GASPAR %A VILLARRAGA MORALES %A CAROLINA %A ID¨¢RRAGA VALLEJO %A JOHN EDWIN %J Bolet¨ªn de Ciencias de la Tierra %D 2010 %I Universidad Nacional de Colombia %X it is known that the earth¡äs crust under the city of medell¨ªn and the aburr¨¢ valley consists primarily of a metamorphic basement intruded by calc-alkaline igneous bodies. however, there is no recollection of seismic models that allow for the evaluation of the geometric configuration of the different geologic bodies in depth. using data from seismometers of the colombia national network (rsnc) and accelerometers of the medell¨ªn and aburr¨¢ valley networks (ram and rava) it is possible to infer some very general features about the seismic structure of the upper lithosphere beneath the aburr¨¢ valley. p and s wave arrival differential time data, registered at different stations in the valley, suggest great lateral and vertical heterogeneity in the upper lithosphere, and great amounts of calc-alkaline igneous material within the crust, in consistent intercalation with the metamorphic basement, even beneath locations where no outcrops of igneous rocks are reported. waveforms of the seismic records are consistent with vertical heterogeneity. in general, the few available seismic data suggest that the amount of igneous material within the upper crust is greater than indicated in previous conceptual models of geometrical distribution of geologic bodies in the crust (chica et al., 2003). %K residual time %K seismic phase arrival %K accelerometer %K seismic velocity %K valle de aburr¨¢ %K antioquia %K colombia. %U http://www.scielo.org.co/scielo.php?script=sci_abstract&pid=S0120-36302010000200008&lng=en&nrm=iso&tlng=en