%0 Journal Article %T CARACTERISTICAS DE LAS MINERALIZACIONES VETIFORMES EN EL DISTRITO MINERO BAGRENECHI, ANTIOQUIA %A LONDO£¿O HERRERA %A CATALINA %A MONTOYA GARC¨ªA %A JUAN CAMILO %A ORD¨®£¿EZ CARMONA %A OSWALDO %A RESTREPO ¨¢LVAREZ %A JORGE J ULI¨¢N %J Bolet¨ªn de Ciencias de la Tierra %D 2009 %I Universidad Nacional de Colombia %X the bagre-nech¨ª mining district is known historically by its exploitations of gold in placer deposits associated with neogene terraces and alluvial deposits formed by the nech¨ª river. currently, exploration campaigns are being carried out in lode gold manifestations. two zones within the district will be referred, a northern zone, in the surroundings of the nech¨ª municipality, where quartz vein structures with thickness over 2m and strike persistence over 2km, hosted by quartz-diorite intrusive rocks, migmatites and quartz-feldspar gneisses. towards the south zone of the district in el bagre and zaragoza municipalities, two vein structures are known, la ye and el carmen veins, characterized for presenting thickness between 1 and 3m, they are hosted by intrusive rocks that locally present important igneous facies variations from diorites to granodiorites, intruded in some sectors by aphanitic dykes from basic to intermediate composition. mineralizations are structurally controlled and this work suggests a direct association to shear zones parallel to the possible main stress responsible of the ancient dextral dynamic along ot¨² fault, supporting the idea that mineralizations are orogenic gold deposit type. %K segovia batholith %K la ye mine %K el carmen mine %K orogenic gold %K antioquia %K colombia. %U http://www.scielo.org.co/scielo.php?script=sci_abstract&pid=S0120-36302009000200004&lng=en&nrm=iso&tlng=en