%0 Journal Article %T ASPECTOS ESTRUCTURALES Y RELACIONES DE ALGUNOS SISTEMAS VETIFORMES DEL DISTRITO MINERO SEGOVIA-REMEDIOS %A ECHEVERRY CASTA£¿EDA %A SEBASTI¨¢N %A C¨¢RDENAS VERA %A ALAN F. %A ORD¨®£¿EZ CARMONA %A OSWALDO %A MU£¿OZ AGUARE %A OSCAR %J Bolet¨ªn de Ciencias de la Tierra %D 2009 %I Universidad Nacional de Colombia %X gold mineralizations northeast antioquia are located towards the eastern flank of the ot¨²-pericos fault system, within segovia batholith. vein systems in the district have been characterized and organized in three main systems: silencio, vertical y cogote. relationships of several structural aspects between these systems and the identification of structures not reported previously and believed not to be present, aloud to sketch and approximate to the history and evolution of the mining district and therefore the implications of these structural controls to the present mineralizations. presence of dykes older than veins which indorse some of the most important veins in the region and the fact that veins are younger that fracture generation as they cross the system, suggest that all processes could be the result of regional adjustment in the collision processes between terrains limited by the ot¨²-pericos fault system. %K segovia-remedios mining district %K segovia batholith %K silencio system %K vertical system %K cogote system %K providencia system. %U http://www.scielo.org.co/scielo.php?script=sci_abstract&pid=S0120-36302009000200003&lng=en&nrm=iso&tlng=en