%0 Journal Article %T Infecci¨®n natural por Trypanosoma cruzi en triatominos del Centro y Norte de M¨¦xico %A Lic¨®n-Trillo %A Angel %A Balsimelli-De La Pe£¿a %A Karina %A Acosta-Legarda %A Manuela %A Leal-Berumen %A Irene %A Nogueda-Torres %A Benjam¨ªn %A Mart¨ªnez-Ibarra %A Jos¨¦ Alejandro %J Bolet¨ªn de Malariolog¨ªa y Salud Ambiental %D 2010 %I Scientific Electronic Library Online %X on this study are reported some collections of triatomines from the mexican states of chihuahua and aguascalientes, where recent data about vector infection by trypanosoma cruzi was not available. in the state of chihuahua only adult specimens of triatoma recurva and of meccus phyllosomus longipennis were collected. percentages of infection by t. cruzi were respectively 5.17% and 12.5%. in the state of aguascalientes adult as well nymph specimens of m. p. longipennis were collected. percentage of infection by t. cruzi reached 96.7%. our results show a null colonization of human dwellings by triatomines in the study area of the state of chihuahua, as well as low risk of infection by t. cruzi for the inhabitants of that area. on the other hand, in the study area in the state of aguascalientes, the risk of infection by t. cruzi was high for inhabitants of the area. complementary entomological studies are necessary to establish the proper risk of infection by vectorial transmission of t. cruzi to human and animal reservoir host in the two studied areas. %K triatomines %K m¨¦xico %K trypanosoma cruzi %K natural infection. %U http://www.scielo.org.ve/scielo.php?script=sci_abstract&pid=S1690-46482010000200015&lng=en&nrm=iso&tlng=en