%0 Journal Article %T Serotipos de dengue en M¨¦xico durante 2009 y 2010 %A V¨¢zquez-Pichardo %A Mauricio %A Rosales-Jim¨¦nez %A Claudia %A N¨²£¿ez-Le¨®n %A Alma %A Rivera-Osorio %A Pilar %A Cruz-Hern¨¢ndez %A Sergio De La %A Ruiz-L¨®pez %A Adriana %A Gonz¨¢lez-Mateos %A Silvia %A L¨®pez-Mart¨ªnez %A Irma %A Rodr¨ªguez-Mart¨ªnez %A Jos¨¦ Cruz %A L¨®pez-Gatell %A Hugo %A Alpuche-Aranda %A Celia %J Bolet¨ªn m¨¦dico del Hospital Infantil de M¨¦xico %D 2011 %I Scientific Electronic Library Online %X background. dengue is a public health priority in mexico. since 2008, the dengue diagnostic algorithm for epidemiological and virological surveillance has been improved at indre and the public health laboratory network (rlesp) to optimize geographic representation, opportunity, sensitivity and specificity of the produced information. methods. dengue serotype identification is based on elisa ns1 positive samples. methods used are viral isolation, endpoint pcr and, since august 2009, real-time pcr (qrt-pcr). results. in 2009, 6,336 serum samples were analyzed and 2,944 (46.6%) were positive for serotype identification. denv-1 was detected in greater proportion followed by denv-2, and denv-3 4 was only identified in two cases in guerrero and denv-4 in one case in chiapas. in 2010, 2,013 serum samples were analyzed and 1,607 (78.8%) were positive for serotype identification. denv-1 was predominant throughout the country. in chiapas, denv-1, 2 and 4 were identified and in jalisco denv-1 and 3. denv-3 was identified in guerrero again and denv-4 was detected in san luis potos¨ª. conclusions. the selection samples through ns1 positive samples and the introduction of qrt-pcr optimized serotype identification. hyperendemicity, outbreaks in new geographic areas, the predominant circulation of denv-1 for several years and the slow reintroduction of the other serotypes, mainly denv-3, could increase clinical cases of severe dengue. an £¿intelligent¨ª epidemiological surveillance program would offer information for a better understanding of the disease and promote action for its control and prevention. %K dengue serotypes %K viral isolation %K rt-pcr %K dengue fever %K dengue hemorrhagic fever. %U http://www.scielo.org.mx/scielo.php?script=sci_abstract&pid=S1665-11462011000200005&lng=en&nrm=iso&tlng=en