%0 Journal Article %T Pseudosindactilia y amputaci¨®n como principales signos del s¨ªndrome de bandas amni¨®ticas %A Hern¨¢ndez Herrera %A Ricardo Jorge %A Padilla Mart¨ªnez %A Yadira M¨¢yela %A Esquivel Izaguirre %A David Mijey %J Bolet¨ªn m¨¦dico del Hospital Infantil de M¨¦xico %D 2011 %I Scientific Electronic Library Online %X background. amniotic band syndrome causes a wide spectrum of congenital defects such as cleft lip, hydrocephalus, and growth restriction of limbs, with or without amputation. the condition occurs in every 1:1,200 to 1:15,000 deliveries. the objective of this report is to define the most important features of amniotic band syndrome. case report. we report the case of a 21 -year-old female with a first pregnancy. no prenatal care or ultrasound studies were carried out, but the patient reported experiencing vaginal discharge during the first trimester. the pregnancy resulted in cesarean section at 30 gestational weeks because of severe oligohydramnios. a 1200-g female was delivered with apgar 7-8. the newborn presented congenital amputation of the right leg and pseudosyndactyly of the left hand with a ring constriction of the third phalange of the second, third and fourth finger, a left equinovarus foot and amputation of the right leg from the middle third of the tibial region. these findings were confirmed by x-ray. conclusions. constriction rings, limb amputation and pseudosyndactyly are important and consistent features with the amniotic band syndrome. functional prognosis is nonfavorable, but prognosis for life productivity is good. %K amniotic band syndrome %K limb amputation %K pseudosyndactyly. %U http://www.scielo.org.mx/scielo.php?script=sci_abstract&pid=S1665-11462011000100008&lng=en&nrm=iso&tlng=en