%0 Journal Article %T Efici¨ºncia na sele£¿£¿o de prog¨ºnies de cafeeiro avaliadas em Minas Gerais %A Pinto %A Marcelo Frota %A Carvalho %A Gladyston Rodrigues %A Botelho %A C¨¦sar Elias %A Gon£¿alves %A Fl¨¢via Maria Avelar %A Rezende %A Juliana Costa de %A Ferreira %A Andr¨¦ Dominghetti %J Bragantia %D 2012 %I Instituto Agron?mico de Campinas %R 10.1590/S0006-87052012005000008 %X the present work had the aim of verifying the selection efficiency of coffee plants originated from the crossing between catua¨ª and icatu with timor hybrid. eighteen progenies developed by the program of genetic improvement of epamig/ufla/ufv were evaluated. coffee plants were planted in december 2005 in the following counties: lavras, campos altos and patroc¨ªnio, in the state of minas gerais. the characteristics analyzed were: productivity, grain size and proportion of cherry fruit. in order to verify the efficiency of the selection, the index of coincidence was applied according to the methodology of hamblin and zimmermann (1986), as well as the magnitude of the interaction progenies x environments and its decomposition in simple and complex parts using the methodology of cruz and castoldi (1991). the predominance of the complex part in relation to the simple one in the interaction of the progenies x environments confirms the low or absence coincidence of the progenies in different environments, raising difficulties for a general recommendation for different coffee regions in the state of minas gerais . %K coffea arabica %K index of coincidence %K interaction progenies x environments. %U http://www.scielo.br/scielo.php?script=sci_abstract&pid=S0006-87052012000100001&lng=en&nrm=iso&tlng=en