%0 Journal Article %T Ocorr¨ºncia de sorotipos ex¨®ticos de Salmonella encontrados em c£¿es assintom¨¢ticos nos distritos do munic¨ªpio de Ilh¨¦us / BA - Brasil %A Maciel %A Bianca Mendes %A Arg£¿lo Filho %A Ronaldo Costa %A Freitas %A Edmilson Santos de %A Kruschewsky %A Fl¨¢via Fernandez %A Santos %A Brena Farias %A Rocha %A Graziella Dias %A Wetler %A Rita Maria Costa %A Martins %A Luci Ana Fernandes %J Brazilian Journal of Veterinary Research and Animal Science %D 2004 %I Universidade de S?o Paulo %R 10.1590/S1413-95962004000400005 %X fecal samples from dogs residing in areas of poor living conditions in ilh¨¦us city / ba were examined for salmonella spp from june 2001 to april 2002. eighteen (9.47%) of 190 animals were found to be positive. 66.6% of those samples were taken from one year old puppies, 56% of the positive animals were fed by table scrap, 66% did not drink treated water and 67% had a domiciliary behavior. symptoms of salmonellosis were not present in 83% of all positive animals. s. gafsa represented the most prevalent serovar (38.9%), followed by s. rubislaw (27.8%), s. carrau (16.7%) and s. enterica subsp. houtenae (11.1%). one sample could not be identified. gentamicin was the most potent in vitro drug for the treatment of salmonelosis, followed by ampicilin. our results confirmed that dogs represent an important reservoir of exotic salmonella serovars and that there are different patterns of sensitivity to drugs among them. %K salmonella spp %K antibiotic resistance %K assymptomatic carrier. %U http://www.scielo.br/scielo.php?script=sci_abstract&pid=S1413-95962004000400005&lng=en&nrm=iso&tlng=en