%0 Journal Article %T Aqui eu sou cego, l¨¢ eu sou vidente: modos de ordenar efici¨ºncia e defici¨ºncia visual %A Moraes %A Marcia %A Arendt %A Ronald Jo£¿o Jacques %J Caderno CRH %D 2011 %I Universidade Federal da Bahia %R 10.1590/S0103-49792011000100008 %X situating itself in the field of science, technology and society studies (sts), this paper investigates different ways of ordering visual impairment, that is, the ways in which disability is made in different practices, in a specialized institution. relevant documents are analyzed in the field of visual impairment and in some cases, allowing one to discuss the concept of disability as a deficit. this paper stresses that the relationship between body and visual impairment should not be summarized to identify the visually impaired with the absence of a sensory function.through the cases investigated, the authors propose to investigate the visual impairment through a body in action, which is defined by means of connections it establishes with the most disparate elements, human and nonhuman. this paper concludes by pointing out the political relevance of multiplying versions of visual efficiency and impairment, and so to subvert the conception of disability as a deficit. %K visual impairment %K body in action %K modes of ordering %K materiality %K socialities. %U http://www.scielo.br/scielo.php?script=sci_abstract&pid=S0103-49792011000100008&lng=en&nrm=iso&tlng=en