%0 Journal Article %T El Cid y Diyen¨ªs: £¿h¨¦roes de novela o de epopeya? %A Castillo Didier %A Miguel %J Byzantion nea hell¨¢s %D 2009 %I Scientific Electronic Library Online %R 10.4067/S0718-84712009000100008 %X the archaizing versions of the history of digenis acritas (from the ms of trebizond) were the first to be edited, in 1875, and the ¨ªirst translation was made from the ms of grottaferrata, in 1956. both facts resulted in the poem being called a "novel". after stilianos alexiu published in 1985 nis critical edition of the ms of el escorial, the close relation of the text to a popular epic could for the first time be studied. the doubts concerning the epic character of the digenis e have been similar to those which were set forth concerning the poema de mio cid. the epic features of both poems are analyzed nere as part of a longer researcn in which both the cid and digenis are considered heroes of an epic, not a novel. %K cid %K digenis acritas %K epic %K novel. %U http://www.scielo.cl/scielo.php?script=sci_abstract&pid=S0718-84712009000100008&lng=en&nrm=iso&tlng=en