%0 Journal Article %T Educa£¿£¿o e desafios da multiculturaliza£¿£¿o: uma pedagogia da sociedade civil %A Barbosa %A Manuel %J Cadernos de Pesquisa %D 2010 %I Funda??o Carlos Chagas %R 10.1590/S0100-15742010000300016 %X the progressive cultural complexity of contemporary societies in the wake of the extraordinary acceleration of mobility and of people's movement across state frontiers is creating enormous challenges for cohesion and living within those scenarios, and requires, in a framework of respect for fundamental principles of democracy and human rights, urgent and appropriate responses. the governmental agencies, through policies of social and cultural anti-discrimination and redistribution of goods and services, are necessary to the design of these responses. however, they are not sufficient to induce social esteem by cultural strangers, especially the newcomers to economically more stable and advanced countries. the esteem for culturally different persons is essentially dependent on a change of attitudes and behavior and these can only evolve into more friendly forms of cultural differences with the contribution of civil society through pedagogy of example focused in new values, new attitudes, new visions and new behaviors. the purpose of this text, analyzing and reflecting on this issue, argues in favor of the educational role of civil society in the organization of life in common between cultural strangers and it proposes, with some detail, the broad lines of pedagogy that redefines the educational agenda of civil society in multicultural contexts. %K multiculturalization %K education %K migration %K social policies. %U http://www.scielo.br/scielo.php?script=sci_abstract&pid=S0100-15742010000300016&lng=en&nrm=iso&tlng=en