%0 Journal Article %T Atendimentos decorrentes de queimaduras em servi£¿os p¨²blicos de emerg¨ºncia no Brasil, 2009 %A Gawryszewski %A Vilma Pinheiro %A Bernal %A Regina Tomie Ivata %A Silva %A Nilza Nunes da %A Morais Neto %A Otaliba Libanio de %A Silva %A Marta Maria Alves da %A Mascarenhas %A M¨¢rcio D¨ºnis Medeiros %A S¨¢ %A Na¨ªza Nayla Bandeira de %A Monteiro %A Rosane Aparecida %A Malta %A Deborah Carvalho %J Cadernos de Sa¨²de P¨²blica %D 2012 %I Escola Nacional de Sa¨²de P¨²blica, Funda??o Oswaldo Cruz %R 10.1590/S0102-311X2012000400003 %X the objective was to analyze the characteristics of burn injuries treated in emergency departments (ed) and associated factors. this was a cross-sectional study of 761 ed visits collected through the national injury surveillance system in 2009. the majority of patients were males (58.6%), and the most prevalent age brackets were 30-49 years (23.1%) and 0-4 years (23%). most burns occurred at home (62.1%), especially among females and children, and in commerce/services/industry/construction (19.1%), mainly among males 20-49 years. work-related burns comprised 29.1% of the overall sample. alcohol use prior to the injury was reported in 5.1% of cases. causal agents across all age brackets were: contact with hot substances (43.6%) and exposure to fire and flames (24.2%); among the economically productive age groups, association with chemicals substances was common. burns in children 0-14 years were associated with injuries at home, contact with heat and hot substances, and subsequent hospitalization; burns in the 15-49-year bracket were associated with exposure to fire/flames and electrical current, injuries occurring in public places, and outpatient treatment and discharge. the study highlights the importance of burn prevention strategies targeting children and workers. %K burns %K emergency medical services %K external causes. %U http://www.scielo.br/scielo.php?script=sci_abstract&pid=S0102-311X2012000400003&lng=en&nrm=iso&tlng=en