%0 Journal Article %T Estudo observacional do comportamento empreendedor de Irineu Evangelista de Sousa da ¨®tica de Filion no filme "Mau¨¢ - o Imperador e o Rei" %A Matos %A F¨¢tima Regina Ney %A Queiroz %A Waleska Vasconcelos %A Lopes %A K¨¢tia Lene de Ara¨²jo %A Frota %A Gleildes dos Santos Lima %A Saraiva %A Vald¨ºnia Maria Lima Leandro %J Cadernos EBAPE.BR %D 2012 %I Scientific Electronic Library Online %R 10.1590/S1679-39512012000100013 %X the objective of this study is to analyze the entrepreneur irineu evangelista de sousa in the film "maua - the emperor and the king." we attempted to use as a basis of argument the study of louis jacques filion (2004, 2000, 1999, 1993, 1991) on basic entrepreneurial characteristics - innovation, learning, network of relationships and vision. the choice of theme was due to poor knowledge of undergraduate and postgraduate studies in administration, observed in an informal exploratory study of brazilian entrepreneurs and their role in the economic development of the country, which is an historical feat. after five collective viewings and some individual viewings of the film, an observational study was conducted, a type of "second hand" indirect and non-participative study, with productive team discussions. the literature review attempted to contextualize, briefly, the characteristics of entrepreneurial behavior from the perspective of filion (1991). one may conclude that the entrepreneurial characteristics proposed in the typology of the author are presented vigorously concerning the behavior of the baron of maua, a man ahead of his time that sought to contribute to the construction of a new project in brazil, enabling the transition from an agrarian economic model of exports and slavery to a market economy based on industrialization, wage labor and free enterprise. this knowledge is essential for the development of critical and analytical thinking of students, based on a teaching resource for easy assimilation. %K entrepreneurship %K innovation %K learning %K network %K observational study. %U http://www.scielo.br/scielo.php?script=sci_abstract&pid=S1679-39512012000100013&lng=en&nrm=iso&tlng=en