%0 Journal Article %T MURCI¨¦LAGOS DE UN BOSQUE EN LOS ANDES CENTRALES DE COLOMBIA CON NOTAS SOBRE SU TAXONOM¨ªA Y DISTRIBUCI¨®N %A RODR¨ªGUEZ-POSADA %A MIGUEL E. %J Caldasia %D 2010 %I Universidad Nacional de Colombia %X this paper reports the bat diversity found in a rapid assessment inventory in three stations between 2500 and 3500 masl, along the western slopes of the cordillera central of colombia (departmento of caldas). the distributional range of anoura aequatoris is expanded northwards and its presence in more western localities of the the cordillera central and the oriental is suggested. sturnira aratathomasi, s. erythromos and s. ludovici were captured in sympatry while histiotus montanus and h. humboldti were recorded in different stations. myotis keaysi showed the broadest altitudinal range, while carollia brevicauda was only found in the station at lowest elevation. the genera anoura, sturnira and histiotus have a pattern of altitudinal succession or replacement of species. considering the difficulty to identify the recorded species, comments on their taxonomy and recommendations for future studies are included. taxonomic accuracy is important to know the real status of the colombian populations of bats and to identify basic biological patterns that allow us to interpret processes within ecosystems and their conservation status; using wrong information and repeating mistakes might bring immeasurable consequences. %K anoura aequatoris %K bats %K colombian andes %K histiotus %K rapid assessment inventory. %U http://www.scielo.org.co/scielo.php?script=sci_abstract&pid=S0366-52322010000100013&lng=en&nrm=iso&tlng=en