%0 Journal Article %T EFECTOS DE LA FLUCTUACI¨®N DEL NIVEL DEL AGUA SOBRE LA ESTRUCTURA DEL ENSAMBLAJE DE ROT¨ªFEROS EN EL LAGO LARGO (SISTEMA YAHUARCACA - LLANURA DE INUNDACI¨®N DEL R¨ªO AMAZONAS - COLOMBIA) %A ANDRADE-SOSSA %A CAMILO %A GARC¨ªA-FOLLECO %A MIGDALIA %A RODR¨ªGUEZ-MUNAR %A CARLOS A. %A DUQUE %A SANTIAGO R. %A REALPE %A EMILIO %J Caldasia %D 2011 %I Universidad Nacional de Colombia %X we conducted a taxonomic recognition and density estimation of the assemblage of rotifers in lake largo, in the floodplain system of yahuarcaca, connected with the amazon river, in colombia. two samplings were made for each hydrological phase (low water, filling and draining phases); 68 species were identified, 28 of them are new records for colombian environments. we found an increased in species richness in the filling and draining phases, being higher in the littoral than in limnetic region, and a tendency to a higher taxonomic similarity between the two areas during low water periods, due to the reduced macrophyte development in that period and consequent reduced spatial heterogeneity. we observed the predominance of rotifers with trophi adapted for grinding and crushing particles (malleate and malleorramate) in low water phase (brachionus ahlstromi) and draining phase (filina saltator) and polyarthra vulgaris, with a trophi adapted to pierce and suck out the fluids of algae and other organisms (virgate), and appendices that support the rapid swimming, at the filling phase. in general, we established possible relations between rotifers richness and density with changes in characteristics as the development of aquatic vegetation in the littoral zone, lake depth, level of connectivity with other lakes of yahuarcaca system, level of influence of white waters from the amazon river, and black waters from local origin, potentials nutritional resources and predators, and drag effect by the current. %K zooplankton %K plankton %K amazon %K rotifera %K flood pulse. %U http://www.scielo.org.co/scielo.php?script=sci_abstract&pid=S0366-52322011000200014&lng=en&nrm=iso&tlng=en