%0 Journal Article %T FLORA PALINOL¨®GICA DE LA VEGETACI¨®N ACU¨¢TICA, DE PANTANO Y DE LA LLANURA ALUVIAL DE LOS HUMEDALES DE LOS DEPARTAMENTOS DE C¨®RDOBA Y CESAR (CARIBE COLOMBIANO) %A GARC¨ªA-M. %A YENNIFER %A RANGEL-CH. %A J. ORLANDO %A FERN¨¢NDEZ %A DIANA %J Caldasia %D 2011 %I Universidad Nacional de Colombia %X the palynological characterization of 223 species, 171 genera and 73 families (90% of total recorded in aquatic, swamp and floodplain environments) of the wetland from the colombian caribbean region is presented. colporate apertures, tectate exine, and reticulate structure are the most common morphological characteristics. according to the plant zonation (ecology), in aquatic and swamp environments dominate families with stenopalynological behavior, such as cyperaceae, with inaperturate, pseudoaperturate, scabrate, and tectate grains, and poaceae, with monoporate, scabrate, psilate-scabrate, verrugate, and tectate grains. in floodplain dominate families with euripalynological behavior, such as apocynaceae, with stephanoporates or tricolporates, psilate, granulate, psilate-striate or psilate-scabrate, and tectate grains, and polygonaceae, with periporates or tricolporates, reticulate, regulate, granulate, semitectate or tectate grains. in riparian forest dominate families such as fabaceae, with tricolporate, psilate, scabrate, and tectate grains, and rubiaceae, with inaperturate, diporate or triporate, tricolpate or tricolporate, scabrate or reticulate, tectate, and semitectate grains. %K palynological flora %K caribbean wetlands %K plant diversity. %U http://www.scielo.org.co/scielo.php?script=sci_abstract&pid=S0366-52322011000200016&lng=en&nrm=iso&tlng=en