%0 Journal Article %T Resistividade do filme depositado via sol-gel e estado de oxida£¿£¿o do dopante Ce na matriz SnO2 %A Scalvi %A L. V. A. %A Pineiz %A T. F. %A Pinheiro %A M. A. L. %A Saeki %A M. J. %A Briois %A V. %J Ceramica %D 2011 %I Associa??o Brasileira de Cer?mica %R 10.1590/S0366-69132011000300019 %X incorporation of ce3+ or ce4+ in sol-gel dip-coating sno2 thin films increases drastically its electrical resistivity. in the first case, it is due the acceptor-like nature of the doping ion, leading the matrix to high charge compensation. on the other hand, for ce4+ doped samples, it is verified a broadening of the grain boundary depletion layer. measurements under room pressure leads to higher intergrain potential barriers when compared to measurements carried out under vacuum conditions, due to oxygen adsorption at particles surface. the presence of ce3+ increases the infrared transmittance, which means a lower free electron concentration. xanes data confirms that the thermal annealing at 550 oc of thin films, although promotes oxidation to ce4+, still keeps a significantly amount (about 60%) of ions in the oxidation state ce3+. raman spectroscopy data show the evolution of the sno2 bulk vibration modes with increasing thermal annealing temperature. %K tin dioxide %K thin films %K cerium %K rare-earth %K electrical transport. %U http://www.scielo.br/scielo.php?script=sci_abstract&pid=S0366-69132011000300019&lng=en&nrm=iso&tlng=en