%0 Journal Article %T OCUPACI¨®N HUMANA PLEISTOC¨¦NICA EN EL DESIERTO DE ATACAMA: PRIMEROS RESULTADOS DE LA APLICACI¨®N DE UN MODELO PREDICTIVO DE INVESTIGACI¨®N INTERDISCIPLINARIA %A Santoro %A Calogero M %A Ugalde %A Paula C %A Latorre %A Claudio %A Salas %A Carolina %A Osorio %A Daniela %A Jackson %A Donald %A Gay¨® %A Eugenia %J Chungar¨¢ (Arica) %D 2011 %I Scientific Electronic Library Online %R 10.4067/S0717-73562011000300003 %X in south america, evidence of human occupation dates back to 14,600 calibrated years bp (14.6 ka). yet, important areas such as the atacama desert, between latitude 17¡ã to 21¡ã s (northern atacama), lack occupations older than 11,5 ka. current hyperarid conditions in the atacama have dissuaded many researchers from considering this region as a possible territory for pleistocene-holocene peoples. paleoecological data, however, have suggested increased availability of water along the western slope of the andes from 17.5-9.5 ka. thus, we systematically searched for rodent middens and paleowetlands in the large canyons of the andean precordillera as well as the interfluves (1,000-3,000 masl). as a result, we identified specific habitats favorable for early human settling. this interdisciplinary and predictive methodological model, summarized in this paper, allowed us to identify several sites. among these, quebrada man¨ª 12 is the first pleistocene-holocene human occupation (~11.9 a 12.7 ka) known from the northern atacama. %K pleistocene-holocene transition %K early peopling %K paleoenvironment %K atacama desert. %U http://www.scielo.cl/scielo.php?script=sci_abstract&pid=S0717-73562011000300003&lng=en&nrm=iso&tlng=en