%0 Journal Article %T Propiedades microbiol¨®gicas en un suelo de la patagonia argentina bajo la influencia de diferentes especies forestales %A Effron %A Diana Noem¨ª %A Defrieri %A Rosa Lina %A Sarti %A Gabriela Cristina %A Escobar Ortega %A Jhovana %A Garc¨ªa de Salamone %A Ines %J Ciencia del suelo %D 2011 %I Scientific Electronic Library Online %X in forest systems, leaf litter is usually the main source of nutrients for the vegetation and microorganisms. leaf litter composition may vary according to the biomass and quality of the materials produced by different species. tree roots affect the development and activity of microflora. the aim of this study was to evaluate the influence of two implanted tree species, with different composition of plant residues, on the soil characteristics. the soil is classified as an andisol and is located in the trevel¨ªn forest station, chubut, argentina, lat. 43¡ã s, long 71o31' west. the samples were extracted from the surface soil of two forest plots with a dominant species each: radiata pine (pinus radiata d. don.) and european oak (quercus robur). the following analytical determinations were carried out on soil samples: organic carbon, microbial respiration, deshydrogenase activity, microbial count (bacterial communities, amilolytic, actinomyces and fungi) as well as the functional diversity of associated microbial communities. the shannon-weaver index (h) was calculated. the soil under oak trees showed the highest values of microbial respiration, organic carbon and amilolytic and bacterial community counts. no significant differences were found in deshydrogenase activity, actinomyces and fungi counts between species. the principal component analysis showed significant variations in the physiology of microbial communities associated with these two tree species. the microorganism h diversity index was significantly greater for pine. plants residues of broadleaf species such as oak have lower contents of recalcitrant substances than conifer species, and this fact, associated with the higher development of total and amylolytic bacteria, could result in an increase in the decomposition of plant residues in the soil and in higher organic carbon and microbial respiration values. %K forest soil %K microbial respiration %K deshydrogenase activity %K microbial functional diversity. %U http://www.scielo.org.ar/scielo.php?script=sci_abstract&pid=S1850-20672011000200008&lng=en&nrm=iso&tlng=en