%0 Journal Article %T Selecci¨®n de indicadores de calidad de suelo para determinar los efectos del uso y pr¨¢cticas agr¨ªcolas en un ¨¢rea piloto de la regi¨®n central de C¨®rdoba %A Campitelli %A Paola %A Aoki %A Antonio %A Gudelj %A Olga %A Rubenacker %A Andrea %A Sereno %A Roberto %J Ciencia del suelo %D 2010 %I Scientific Electronic Library Online %X the aim of this study was to determine the best indicators of soil quality in a central area of c¨®rdoba province. the study was carried out on a typic haplustol. six treatments were evaluated in three sites for each treatment. organic carbon content (co), total nitrogen (nt), ph, electrical conductivity (ce), extractable phosphorus (pe), light carbon, humic and fulvic acids, bulk density, mean weight diameter change (cdmp), a-horizon thickness (hza) and caco3 depth were determined. principal component analysis was used to evaluate the relationship between soil parameters, between parameters and treatments and between treatments. the results show that the most adequate soil quality indicators -and the simplest- are those related to soil fertility: organic matter, total nitrogen and extractable phosphorus; and to susceptibility to erosion (cdmp, caco3 and a-horizon thickness). the decrease in co content and its fractions and in macronutrients (nt and pe) and the increase in susceptibility to hydric erosion over the years as a consequence of agricultural practices such as soybean monoculture and traditional sowing have led to a deterioration in soil quality compared to native woodlands where the soil potential is higher. under semi-arid conditions, direct sowing did not improve the physical properties of the soil or its organic content and fractions under a soybean monoculture. %K chemical properties %K physical properties %K rotations %K monoculture %K principal component analysis. %U http://www.scielo.org.ar/scielo.php?script=sci_abstract&pid=S1850-20672010000200010&lng=en&nrm=iso&tlng=en