%0 Journal Article %T VIVENCIA DE DISCAPACIDAD POR TRAUMATISMO DE LA M¨¦DULA ESPINAL Y EL PROCESO DE REHABILITACI¨®N %A Gonz¨¢lez Echeverr¨ªa %A Lu¨ªs %A Price %A Yocelyn %A Mu£¿oz %A Luz Ang¨¦lica %J Ciencia y enfermer¨ªa %D 2011 %I Scientific Electronic Library Online %R 10.4067/S0717-95532011000100009 %X disability is a health problem that affects different dimensions of people¡¯s quality of life. the object of the study was to describe the experiences of people with disabilities by spinal cord injury. we present a qualitative study, using spradley¡¯s ethnographic interview and participant observation, and mead¡¯s symbolic interactionism. the cultural universe consisted of adults disabled by severe trauma to the spinal cord, under rehabilitation at "fundaci¨®n esperanza nuestra". research describes the experience of having a disability for damage to the spinal cord, how difficult it is to assume this condition and be available for rehabilitation. the informants described various stages in the process of rehabilitation going from a phase marked by depression to a phase of complete independence, in some cases. the presence of the nurse is permanent at the various times of the personal journey towards acceptance and rehabilitation described by the informants, highlighting the importance of the role played by these professionals and the effects of their care. a lack of involvement of primary health care centers, is seen in the experience and therefore it is essential to strengthen the foundations for the development of a network for rehabilitation based on family and community health. %K nursing %K spinal cord injuries %K disabled persons %K rehabilitation. %U http://www.scielo.cl/scielo.php?script=sci_abstract&pid=S0717-95532011000100009&lng=en&nrm=iso&tlng=en