%0 Journal Article %T Significado y validez: La incidencia del giro pragm¨¢tico en la epistemolog¨ªa actual %A Candioti %A Mar¨ªa E. %A Britos %A Mar¨ªa del P. %A De Zan %A Julio %A Herrera %A Mariela %A Saavedra %A Anabella %A Migueles %A Mar¨ªa A. %A D'amico %A Marcelo %A Pizzio %A Gustavo %A Borra %A Arturo %A Rigotti %A Sebasti¨¢n %J Ciencia, docencia y tecnolog£¿-a %D 2009 %I Scientific Electronic Library Online %X in this paper the contributions of philosophical hermeneutics, neo pragmatism and pragmatics of language are examined in order to build up a definition of an epistemological project that could overcome the limitations derived from a "criterial" rationality, considering as such a type of rationality centered in determining demarcation criteria capable of guarantying "scientificity". in particular, it deals with trying to provide an answer to the issue of cognitive validity and the problems arising from the attempt of articulating this requirement with the recognition of diverse significant and axiological frameworks. it aims to make explicit the connections between knowledge, language and social practices in the knowledge construction and validation processes and to point out the difficulties of reductive epistemological conceptions. the incidence of the so called "linguistic turn" is taken into account mainly in its pragmatic perspective, as well as the displacement resulting from that turn within the epistemological field. %K epistemology %K meaning %K validity %K linguistic turn. %U http://www.scielo.org.ar/scielo.php?script=sci_abstract&pid=S1851-17162009000100007&lng=en&nrm=iso&tlng=en