%0 Journal Article %T Discurso, subjetividad y filosof¨ªa pr¨¢ctica %A Giaccaglia %A Mirta A %A Britos %A Mar¨ªa del P %A Candioti %A Mar¨ªa Elena %A M¨¦ndez %A Mar¨ªa Laura %A De Zan %A Julio %J Ciencia, docencia y tecnolog£¿-a %D 2011 %I Scientific Electronic Library Online %X results of a research project aimed to the construction of theoretical tools for a critical analysis of contemporary democracy practices and society institutions are here presented. the study was set in the context of the theoretical debate regarding the tension that comes up between the problem of subjective experience and the universalist issue of the principles of morality and justice. it aimed at confronting the different contemporary conceptions of the relation of discourse and subjectivity and its yieldings for the making of a practical philosophy capable of taking up the complexity of the particularismuniveralism debate. it is an attempt at recovering the specificity of the political in the field of philosophy and at re-thinking its relation with the ethical theory, all of which implies a reconsideration of the notions of discourse, rationality and subject. %K philosophy %K discourse %K rationality %K subjectivity %K politics. %U http://www.scielo.org.ar/scielo.php?script=sci_abstract&pid=S1851-17162011000100003&lng=en&nrm=iso&tlng=en