%0 Journal Article %T An¨¢lise de atitudes de alunos universit¨¢rios em rela£¿£¿o ¨¤ estat¨ªstica por meio da teoria de resposta ao item %A Turik %A Claudia %A Viali %A Lori %A Moraes %A Jo£¿o Feliz Duarte de %J Ci¨ºncia & Educa£¿£¿o (Bauru) %D 2012 %I Universidade Estadual Paulista %R 10.1590/S1516-73132012000100014 %X in this study we analyze the responses provided by a sample of 360 students at a private university in a scale of attitudes towards statistics (eae) test. the fit of the graded response model of the item response theory was made using the software parscale. the scale showed the discrimination of items (ai) going from moderate to high level. the parameters of difficulty of the items (bi) showed that the proposition of easy agreement on the part of students was effected by the tension felt doing statistics classes. the variables that showed significance in the level of influence attitudes were: area of study, self-perception of performance in the discipline and the applicability of statistics. these results suggest that strategies have to be adopted to develop an environment for teaching and learning that is exciting and enjoyable, and to enhance the applications of statistics in the context of the subject for each student. %K statistics education %K item response theory. %U http://www.scielo.br/scielo.php?script=sci_abstract&pid=S1516-73132012000100014&lng=en&nrm=iso&tlng=en