%0 Journal Article %T Estudos de optimiza£¿£¿o e diversifica£¿£¿o da "Uvada" %A Caldeira %A I. %A Moreira %A S. %A Alves %A C. %J Ci¨ºncia e T¨¦cnica Vitivin¨ªcola %D 2006 %I Scientific Electronic Library Online %X this work deals with the optimization of £¿uvada£¿, a jam made with concentrate grape juice and apple. for that it was used the response surface methodology and the response variable was the sensorial global equilibrium of these jams. the optimal jam should present 42% of apple and 67% of total soluble solids. it was also studied the use of different grape and apple varieties in the production of this jam. the obtained jams presented a similar sensorial global equilibrium. nevertheless, they presented significant differences on physico-chemical and sensorial composition. than, the grape and apple varieties could be used as a factor of diversification for this product. %K doce de uva %K uvada %K optimiza£¿£¿o %K diversifica£¿£¿o. %U http://www.scielo.gpeari.mctes.pt/scielo.php?script=sci_abstract&pid=S0254-02232006000200003&lng=en&nrm=iso&tlng=en