%0 Journal Article %T Justicia b¨¢sica procedimental: herramienta de transici¨®n hacia sociedades m¨ªnimamente decentes %A R¨ªos Ram¨ªrez %A Alejandra %J Co-herencia %D 2010 %I Universidad EAFIT %X from the reconstruction of the approaches of rodrigo uprimny, rajeev bhargava and stuart hampshire on transitional justice models, it will be posed that the minimally decent society concept, coined by the second author, sheds new lights on the discussions about better model to be implemented in societies with humanitarian crises. intertwine the arguments of these authors could allow us extend the scope of application of transitional justice to diverse contexts, say from dictatorship to democracy, from war to peace, or from barbaric society to minimally decent one. %K transitional justice %K procedural justice %K barbaric societies %K decent societies %K human rights. %U http://www.scielo.org.co/scielo.php?script=sci_abstract&pid=S1794-58872010000200011&lng=en&nrm=iso&tlng=en