%0 Journal Article %T EFECTO DEL CONTROL DE MALEZAS Y FERTILIZACI¨®N SOBRE EL CRECIMIENTO INICIAL DE UNA PLANTACI¨®N DE Gmelina arborea Roxb. EN EL DEPARTAMENTO DEL TOLIMA, COLOMBIA %A Barrios %A Alonso %A L¨®pez %A Ana M. %A Nieto %A V¨ªctor %A Burgos %A Natalia %A Yaya %A Manuel %A Gonz¨¢lez %A Iv¨¢n %J Colombia Forestal %D 2011 %I Universidad Distrital Francisco Jose de Caldas %X this study was conducted to generate knowledge about silvicultural management in the establishment of gmelina arborea plantations located at department of tolima, colombia. the objective was to quantify the individual and combined effects of weed control and fertilization with n-pk-mg on the growth of individual trees of g. arborea. the evaluation used analysis of variance (anova) considering a block design with split plots arrangement, being the response variables: periodic annual increment (pai) in diameter, total height, basal area and total volume inside the bark. anova allowed to infer that there are no significant response differences among the application of one to three chemical weed control per year. however, the absence of weed control reduced the pai in diameter by 22% and 3% in total volume inside bark. fertilization was the main factor influencing the pai in diameter, total height, basal area and total volume inside bark. to conclude, the best treatment consisted of a combination of two weed controls per year and the use of a high dose of fertilizer (n = 60 g = 30 g p2o5, k2o = 120 g, mg = 68 g). this combination increased the pai in diameter by 29%, total height by 15% , area basal by 30% and total volume inside bark by 15% when compared with control plots. %K weed control %K fertilization %K growth and yield %K potential productivity. %U http://www.scielo.org.co/scielo.php?script=sci_abstract&pid=S0120-07392011000100004&lng=en&nrm=iso&tlng=en