%0 Journal Article %T OBSERVACIONES SOBRE LA GERMINACI¨®N DE TRES ESPECIES DEL G¨¦NERO Citharexylum Jacq. EMPLEADAS EN RESTAURACI¨®N ECOL¨®GICA %A P¨¦rez Su¨˘rez %A Bibiana %J Colombia Forestal %D 2011 %I Universidad Distrital Francisco Jose de Caldas %X high-quality plant material is needed to allow the development of large-scale projects in ecological restoration. for this reason, three native species from the andean forest were prioritized to study their germination: citharexylum montanum, citharexylum sulcatum and citharexylum subflavescens. pyrenes of these species were subjected to different pre-germination methods such as: scarification and hydration, hydration for 96 hours and hydration for 72 hours respectively for each species mentioned.the total percentage of germination, day of initiation of germination and mean germination time (mgt) were assessed for each species. as a result, total germination percentage was low for all species; c. subflavescens was the species that presented the highest value (41.3%). only the treatment of scarification and hydration applied to c. montanum favored the germination percentage. the fastest time for germination initiation was 20 days for the species c. subflavescens and c. montanum. due to the fact that the three species showed heterogeneous germination, the mean germination time (mgt) was high for all species. the observations suggest that physical scarification prior to hydration promotes both the percentage and the day of initiation of germination in citharexylum. %K citharexylum %K pyrene %K seeds %K verbenaceae. %U http://www.scielo.org.co/scielo.php?script=sci_abstract&pid=S0120-07392011000200002&lng=en&nrm=iso&tlng=en