%0 Journal Article %T CAT¨¢LOGO PRELIMINAR DE LA FLORA VASCULAR DE LOS BOSQUES SUBANDINOS DE LA RESERVA BIOL¨®GICA CACHAL¨², SANTANDER (COLOMBIA) %A Reina %A Miriam %A Medina %A Ruth %A A. ¨¢vila %A Fabio %A ¨¢ngel %A Sonia P. %A Cort¨¦s-B %A Rocio %J Colombia Forestal %D 2010 %I Universidad Distrital Francisco Jose de Caldas %X a preliminary checklist of the vascular flora of the reserva biologica cachal¨² is presented. cachal¨² is located on the western slope of the eastern andes (encino - santander), and represents a sample of the sub - andean forest of the colombian andes. the material was collected over a period of seven months in 2007 and 2008. general collections were carried out through cachal¨², and in a permanent plot at an altitudinal range between 1800 and 2350 m. a total of 443 species, included in 257 genera, and 101 families were recorded. angiosperms represent 96% of the vascular flora, while pteridophyta 3.5% and gymnosperms only 0.5%. the rubiaceae family has the highest richness at the genus and spe cies level (18/36), followed by melastomataceae (13/30), orchidaceae (13/25), asteraceae (13/21) and solanaceae (8/21). the genera psychotria, miconia, solanum and anthurium show the highest number of species. for each species, the catalog contains the scientific name, collections used, habit, and the altitudinal range. the affinities of the flora of cachal¨² with similar forests at the guantiva - la rusia - iguaque biological corridor are discussed. additionally, species considered at any level of threat are pointed so that they may be prioritized in restoration and conservation programs. %K biodiversity %K andean forest %K cachal¨² %K floristic checklist %K eastern andes %K vascular flora %K biological reserve. %U http://www.scielo.org.co/scielo.php?script=sci_abstract&pid=S0120-07392010000100003&lng=en&nrm=iso&tlng=en