%0 Journal Article %T Como saber se as conven£¿£¿es internacionais de meio ambiente realmente funcionam? abordagens te¨®rico-metodol¨®gicas sobre a efic¨¢cia dos regimes ambientais %A Steiner %A Andrea Q %A Medeiros %A Marcelo de Almeida %J Contexto Internacional %D 2010 %I Pontif¨ªcia Universidade Cat¨®lica do Rio de Janeiro %R 10.1590/S0102-85292010000200012 %X the last decades were marked by the large amount of transborder environmental problems and, consequently, the increase in the number of related international regimes. however, the creation of a regime per se does not guarantee that it be implemented nor that its objectives be fully attained, much less that the issue be solved. this fact has been stimulating an interesting debate: are international regimes really effective to deal with environmental issues? this article discusses the main methods of analyzing environmental regime effectiveness. for that purpose it presents general conceptual issues related to regime effectiveness, discusses the main questions and specific methodological needs in the specific case of international environmental policy, analyses its most important findings, and focuses on the factors that contribute to effectiveness. %K international regime effectiveness %K environmental treaties %K methodological approaches. %U http://www.scielo.br/scielo.php?script=sci_abstract&pid=S0102-85292010000200012&lng=en&nrm=iso&tlng=en