%0 Journal Article %T Valuaci¨®n de activos: una mirada desde las Normas Internacionales de Informaci¨®n Financiera, los est¨¢ndares internacionales de valuaci¨®n y el contexto actual colombiano %A Arias-Bello %A Martha Liliana %A S¨¢nchez-Serna %A Aracely del Socorro %J Cuadernos de Contabilidad %D 2011 %I Scientific Electronic Library Online %X market globalization has brought structural changes at international levels; financial deregulation has notably increased international capital movement, facilitating a better application of resources at a global level, a higher risk diversification and a stimulation of economic growth in emerging markets (gonz¨¢lez & mascare£¿as, 1999). these market conditions demand comparable, comprehensible and appropriate financial information from participants in order to assure the decision-making process. iasb's international financial reporting standards become a strategy for the process of internationalization, warrantying common information to all market participants. within this approach, one of the most important criteria for the preparation of information is the measuring of operational processes and of financial states' elements; measurement basis such as the reasonable value exposed by this model pose great valuation challenges specially on economies with insufficiently developed markets. valuation approaches such as the ones issued by ivsc (international valuation council) might become important elements for the purposes exposed previously. currently in colombia, valuation practices lack a criteria unity; there are different regulations that try to signal a path on this scenario. the actualization of accounting regulations with international referents will demand from accountants and regulators an appropriation of these valuation practices in benefit of financial information. %K assets valuation %K reasonable value %K ifrs %K ivs %K financial information %K financial statements %K capital mobility %K financial deregulation %K accounting standards. %U http://www.scielo.org.co/scielo.php?script=sci_abstract&pid=S0123-14722011000100005&lng=en&nrm=iso&tlng=en