%0 Journal Article %T Responsabilidad medioambiental e informaci¨®n financiera. Especial referencia al caso espa£¿ol %A L¨®pez-Gordo %A Mar¨ªa Gloria %A L¨®pez-Gordo %A Jos¨¦ Francisco %J Cuadernos de Contabilidad %D 2012 %I Scientific Electronic Library Online %X the current economic climate requires from companies a responsibility that goes beyond the mere involvement in the production of goods and services and involves social and environmental factors. in this context, there is a growing interest in information about the environmental risks and responsibilities assumed by companies as a relevant element in the decision making of a large group of users, which in turn require standardized information in the international context, given the globalization of the world economy. from the accounting point of view, environmental obligations, be them explicit or tacit, certain or likely, must be reflected in the financial information published by companies, and specifically incorporated in their annual accounting reports and, where appropriate, their management reports. under this premise, this paper explores the major policy proposals in the spanish and international context regarding the recognition, assessment and disclosure of environmental responsibilities through certain or probable liabilities that are incorporated in the annual accounting reports. also, there is a reference to the corporate response to the requirements of the accounting standards, and a conclusion with our personal opinions and suggestions for improvement. %K environmental accounting %K environmental responsibilities %K environmental elements of the financial statements %K environmental accounting %K environmental impact %K environmental impact analysis %K environmental protection. %U http://www.scielo.org.co/scielo.php?script=sci_abstract&pid=S0123-14722012000100007&lng=en&nrm=iso&tlng=en