%0 Journal Article %T Impacto de los costos de administraci¨®n y de los periodos cesantes en la construcci¨®n de beneficios pensionales de los afiliados al R¨¦gimen de Ahorro Individual en Colombia %A Salazar Guatibonza %A Flor Esther %J Cuadernos de Contabilidad %D 2010 %I Scientific Electronic Library Online %X the reforms to pension systems in latin america have been marked by the introduction of defined contribution systems with individual capitalization and private administration. within the assumptions made in the formulation of the reforms it was suggested that the private provision would improve the coverage and the competition would reduce the high administrative costs that presented the defined benefit systems. at present, various studies show that many of the assumptions and objectives that supported the reforms have not been achieved. a frequent criticism indicates that existing systems exhibit high administration costs and the eficiency gain is not transferred to afiliates as lower prices, but that are appropriate for the fund managers. based on the mentioned above, it is sought in this paper to contrast this criticism to the colombian case. the efect of administration costs and variables such as the densities of contributions on the construction of pensional benefts to the afiliated to the individual savings system will be analyzed. %K individual accounts %K capitalization %K pension funds %K administration costs in private pension funds %K pensi¨®n funds %K administrators of bottoms of pensions %K individual retirement accounts. %U http://www.scielo.org.co/scielo.php?script=sci_abstract&pid=S0123-14722010000300005&lng=en&nrm=iso&tlng=en