%0 Journal Article %T El arte ante las paradojas de la representaci¨®n %A Battiti %A Florencia %J Cuadernos del Centro de Estudios en Dise£¿¡Ào y Comunicaci£¿3n. Ensayos %D 2012 %I Scientific Electronic Library Online %X in argentina there are a bunch of institutions that conceive contemporary art as the core of their agenda when it comes to outline memorial politics that have, among it's priorities, the transmition of the events of the last military government to the next generations. so is the case of parque de la memoria-monumento a las v¨ªctimas del terrorismo de estado en la argentina, a project that was proposed in 1998 by human rights representatives and developed in conjuction with the ciudad autonoma de buenos aires government and the buenos aires university. from it's beginnings, the project includes a group of works that came out of an open international contest that took place in 1999. in this work we will try to go deep in the causes that motivated the creators of the project to choose contemporary art as a tool in the development of the social trauma that was caused during said military government, to analyze the questionings and policies that exist around the esthetic of traumatic events and lastly, to go deep in the strategies that some of the sculptural projects utilize for the better function of the memory call, not as a persistent remembering, but as a constructive part of the present. %K aesthetic experience %K art %K memory %K representation %K trauma. %U http://www.scielo.org.ar/scielo.php?script=sci_abstract&pid=S1853-35232012000300002&lng=en&nrm=iso&tlng=en