%0 Journal Article %T Poverty and public health: social aspects of the relation between user and personnel of health %A Abreu %A Fabiana Hern¨˘ndez %J Cuadernos del CLAEH %D 2006 %I Scientific Electronic Library Online %X this article includes the results of a study on social inequalities in health area. in the paediatric hospital pereira rossell, a place was defined to analyze health sociological aspects in a context of social inequality. this place, to which we gave the name of corridor situation, included every relationship that users of this public health service had with different interlocutors in any of the different corridors, before their real access to the health service. the outcomes and empirical material provided by this study derived in the need of deepening the discussion on users-staff's relationship in corridor situation. based on certain theoretic and empirical data, this article tries to discuss about the dynamic of relationship, the ways of communication and the handling of time that the institution makes. this discuss will result in a final analysis on the existent relationship among these elements, the public character of the institution and the weigh that bureaucratic processes in corridor situation have on those who have to use this service. %K public health %K poverty %K health sociology %K communication %K uruguay. %U http://socialsciences.scielo.org/scielo.php?script=sci_abstract&pid=S0797-60622006000200003&lng=en&nrm=iso&tlng=en