%0 Journal Article %T Infecciones de transmisi¨®n sexual, VIH y Sida: una aproximaci¨®n a conocimientos, actitudes y pr¨¢cticas de poblaciones adultas y j¨®venes ind¨ªgenas en las tierras bajas de Bolivia %A Puig Borr¨¤s %A Cristina %A Montalvo %A Pilar %J Desacatos %D 2011 %I Centro de Investigaciones y Estudios Superiores en Antropolog¨ªa Social %X in 2006 three institutions worked together in pando, bolivia, in a multi-faced initiative aimed at strengthening the capacity of indigenous organizations to address hiv prevention, and raising awareness of the socio cultural factors that make indigenous peoples of the bolivian low lands more vulnerable to hiv. family care international/bolivia, the local indigenous organization central ind¨ªgena de pueblos originarios de la amazonia de pando, and the district level health authoritiy, worked together on this initiative, which took off with an assessment of knowledge, attitudes, and practices (kap) related to hiv and aids in five indigenous communities of pando. based on this assessment, the article shares some of the findings and makes the case for expanding prevention efforts in underserved areas and among indigenous peoples. %K hiv %K indigenous peoples %K sexual and reproductive health %K pando %K bolivia. %U http://www.scielo.org.mx/scielo.php?script=sci_abstract&pid=S1405-92742011000100004&lng=en&nrm=iso&tlng=en