%0 Journal Article %T ˋDe paisano a paisano? explotaci車n laboral y exclusi車n social de jornaleros chiapanecos en Jalisco %A Hern芍ndez L車pez %A Rafael Alonso %A Porraz G車mez %A Iv芍n Francisco %J N車madas %D 2011 %I Bogota : Fundacion Universidad Central %X this article is aimed to highlight and analyze the social and labor relationships between a mixed population in los altos de jalisco (mexico) and a migrant indigenous population from chiapas in the mexican southwest. it is confirmed that the migrant chiapanecos have become the labor for those physically demanding tasks of less payment. in addition, their presence has generated mainly negative attitudes among the receiving population. it can be concluded that these attitudes recreate and conform new submitting, excluding, subordinating, and discriminating relationships framed into a productive reconvertion around the tequila. %K exploitation of labor %K social exclusion %K racism %K domestic migration %K chiapanecos workers %K altos de jalisco (m谷xico). %U http://www.scielo.org.co/scielo.php?script=sci_abstract&pid=S0121-75502011000100012&lng=en&nrm=iso&tlng=en